Compiling and Interpreting the Lambda Calculus in Haskell
This whole project is based on this post by Matt Might. I decided I would try to implement it in Haskell instead of Racket. There are several steps of the process that are missed because they are built into the Racket language. In my implementation I needed a parser, an interpreter, and an extractor, in addition to a reimplementation of the compiler.
Instead of defining all the functions in the language in the compiler, I thought it would be more fun to write them in the language itself. This greatly reduces the complexity of the parser and the compiler. Also it means you can add any library functions you see fit, and I ended up adding some comparisons, and list operations.
All code for the project can be found on github.
Because many functions are implemented in the language itself, the grammar quite small.
<program> ::= <define> ... <exp>
<module> ::= <define> ...
<define> ::= (define <var> <exp>)
| (define (<var> <arg> ...) <exp>)
<exp> ::= <var>
| <nat>
| (<lam> (<arg> ...) <exp>)
| (let ((<var> <exp>) ...) <exp>)
| (letrec (<var> <exp>) <exp>)
| (<exp> <exp> ...)
<arg> ::= _ | <var>
<lam> ::= λ | lambda
is its own form because I like using _
as an ignored argument.
I added program
, module
and define
forms to make it possible to do bootstrapping.
I used parsec to get the grammar into this data structure.
data Program = Program [Definition] Exp deriving (Show)
data Definition = Def String Exp deriving (Show)
data Exp = Var String
| Num Int
| Lambda [String] Exp
| Let [(String, Exp)] Exp
| Letrec String Exp Exp
| Application Exp Exp
deriving (Show)
I also wrote a very basic “lexer” to remove comments.
This isn’t a parsec tutorial, so I won’t bore you with details of the parser. The interface to the parser is
parseProgram :: String -> String -> Either String Program
parseProgram = lexParse programP
parseModule :: String -> String -> Either String [Definition]
parseModule = lexParse moduleP
lexParse :: Parser a -> String -> String -> Either String a
lexParse p name input = first show $ parse commentP name input >>= parse p name
I had never used bifunctors before, but it sure made handling Either
This will result in a Left
with the shown version of the ParseError
if the parser fails. Throughout the project I used Left String
to represent error.
Every stage of the compiler has the type a -> Either String b
so it can all be strung together with bind.
Base Definitions
The bootstrapped definitions of basic functions in the language are in resources/
All the desugarings implemented in Matt Might’s post that are missing from the compiler are here.
There are also some new definitions that make actually writing programs a bit easier.
Useful Functions
(define (id x) x)
(define (const x _) x)
(define hang
((λ (u) (u u)) (λ (u) (u u))))
will work the same as in Haskell because the interpreter is lazy. (const x hang)
won’t evaluate the second argument, so it won’t hang.
is used to kill the program if head
or tail
is called on an empty list. Might seem a bit draconian, but I didn’t implement errors or exceptions cause they’re hard. So too bad.
All booleans are church encoded. Church booleans are functions that take two arguments; what to do if its true, and what to do if its false.
- true =
(λ (t f) t)
- false =
(λ (t f) f)
Since the interpreter is lazy if
can be safely represented as a function because the branch that is not taken will never be evaluated.
(define (if c t f)
(c t f))
All other boolean operations can be defined in a similar way, eg. not
(define (not a)
(a #f #t))
Church Numerals
All things are done using Church Numerals.
A church numeral is a function that takes two arguments: an operation to perform f
and an object to operate on x
. For the church numeral n, the operation is done n times to x
- 1 =
(λ (f x) (f x))
- 0 =
(λ (f x) x)
- 3 =
(λ (f x) (f (f (f x))))
Numeric Operations
The new numeric operations are defined as follows.
(define (even? n) (n not #t))
is its own function because a general remainder operator using repeated subtraction is (I think) less efficient.
When the the number is evaluated it will apply not
to #t
n times.
You may have noticed this will take at least linear time as opposed to constant time one would expect from a real programming language. This is because church numerals are slow and should never be used unless you like office chair battles.
(define (/ n m)
(letrec (div1 (λ (n1 m1)
(let ([diff (- n1 m1)])
(if (zero? diff)
(succ (div1 diff m1))))))
(div1 (succ n) m)))
The division algorithm is repeated subtraction, and is described on wikipedia.
is fast (because it only does one subtraction each iteration), but it is not quite the division operator we want.
(div1 2 3) = 0
as expected(div1 4 3) = 1
as expected(div1 3 3) = 0
, but should be 1
To fix this problem we just need to add one to the input n
. This fix would create problems with negative numbers, but there are no negative numbers in this language, so its all fine.
(define (mod n m)
(letrec (mod1 (λ (n1 m1)
(let ([diff (- n1 m1)])
(if (zero? diff)
(mod1 diff m1)))))
(prev (mod1 (succ n) m))))
is the same algorithm as division, but instead of counting the number of iterations, we just return n1
The fix is much the same; just add 1 to the input. Since its the final value of the input we are interested in we then subtract one from the result.
(define (<= a b)
(zero? (- a b)))
(define (>= a b)
(zero? (- b a)))
(define (< a b)
(<= (+ 1 a) b))
(define (> a b)
(>= a (+ 1 b)))
All the new comparison operations check if the result of a subtraction is zero.
Church encoded lists are similar to booleans. They are functions that take a thing to do if the list is a pair, and a result if the list is empty. If the list is a pair then the function is given two arguments, the head and the tail. If the list is empty then the result is passed straight through.
(define (cons h t)
(λ (f _) (f h t)))
(define empty
(λ (_ e) e))
This encoding will only work with a lazy interpreter. The argument e
must only be evaluated if the list is empty.
Using these definitions we can define common list operations, some of which I have listed below.
(define (head l)
(l (λ (h _) h) hang))
(define (tail l)
(l (λ (_ t) t) hang))
(define (pair? l)
(l (λ (_ _) #t) #f))
(define (null? l)
(l (λ (_ _) #f) #t))
As I said earlier, head
and tail
will hang if called on the empty list because there isn’t anything else we could reasonably do.
and null?
never evaluate the contents of the list, so a program like (pair? (cons hang hang))
will still terminate.
(define (from n)
(cons n (from (succ n))))
builds an infinite list starting at the given value. Since the interpreter is lazy this is not a problem.
(define (take n l)
(if (or (zero? n) (null? l))
(cons (head l) (take (prev n) (tail l)))))
results in a list containing the first n elements of the given list. It will return fewer than n items if the given list is not long enough.
(define (foldl fn acc xs)
(if (null? xs)
(foldl fn (fn acc (head xs)) (tail xs))))
(define (foldr fn acc xs)
(if (null? xs)
(fn (head xs) (foldr fn acc (tail xs)))))
Folds work here like they do in every other language.
The lazy interpreter allows the right fold to exit early.
A right fold that gets the first element if it exists, (foldr (λ (e _) #t) #f (from 0))
, will terminate, but the left fold version will not.
(define (range low high)
(if (>= low high)
(cons low
(range (+ 1 low)
This definition is just more efficient than (take (- high low) (from low))
because church numerals suck.
All the other language features must be implemented by the compiler.
The purpose of the compiler is to transform the high level AST into one that represents the pure lambda calculus. The target structure is
data Node = Lam String Node
| Ref String
| App Node Node
deriving (Show, Eq)
Scope and Free Variables
There are a bunch of places in the compiler and interpreter where knowing which variables will be referenced later is important.
Any variable that has no binding is considered free.
(λ (x) (f x))
is free andx
is bound(λ (y) (λ (x) (y x)))
are both bound((λ (x) x) x)
is bound inside the lambda but free outside
The compiler needs to know which variables are free to determine which definitions can be dropped, and the interpreter needs to know which variables are free to handle closures properly.
Both the Node
and Exp
structures need a freeVars
function, so they implement a typeclass.
class Scope a where
freeVars :: a -> Set String
This allows a convenient function for guards in the compiler and interpreter.
isFree :: Scope e => String -> e -> Bool
isFree name expr = name `Set.member` freeVars expr
For the Node
structure, Lam
is the only way to bind a variable, and Ref
is the only way to reference one.
instance Scope Node where
freeVars (Lam arg body) = Set.delete arg $ freeVars body
freeVars (Ref name) = Set.singleton name
freeVars (App f x) = freeVars f `Set.union` freeVars x
For Exp
, variables can be bound by Lambda
, Let
or Letrec
, and referenced by Var
instance Scope Exp where
freeVars (Var name) = Set.singleton name
freeVars (Lambda args body) = freeVars body `removeAll` args
freeVars (Let bindings body) = foldr addBindingVars bodyVars bindings
addBindingVars = Set.union . freeVars . snd
bodyVars = freeVars body `removeAll` map fst bindings
freeVars (Letrec name binding body) = Set.delete name allVars
allVars = freeVars binding `Set.union` freeVars body
freeVars (Num _) = Set.empty
freeVars (Application f x) = freeVars f `Set.union` freeVars x
The define forms desugar to a series of let
or letrec
desugarDefs :: [Definition] -> Program -> Exp
desugarDefs baseDefs (Program defs expr) = desugarProgram newProg
newProg = Program (baseDefs ++ defs) expr
desugarProgram :: Program -> Exp
desugarProgram (Program ds e) = foldr defToLet e ds
defToLet (Def name expr) body = if isFree name body
then if isFree name expr
then Letrec name expr body
else Let [(name, expr)] body
else body
integrates the definitions of a module into those of a program.
only let-binds a definition if it is used, and then only does a letrec
if the name being defined is free in its definition. Otherwise it desugars to the much simpler let
After this stage the program is represented as a single expression.
Easy Prey: Variables, Application and Numbers
References and applications have a one-to-one mapping. Numbers become repeated function application.
compileExp (Var name) = Ref name
compileExp (Application a b) = compileExp a `App` compileExp b
compileExp (Num n) = churchNum n
churchNum :: Int -> Node
churchNum n = Lam "f" $ Lam "x" $ foldr App (Ref "x") $ replicate n (Ref "f")
Multi-Argument Lambdas
The lambda form of the high level AST accepts multiple arguments. The lambda calculus only has single argument lambdas, so they need to be curried.
compileExp (Lambda args body) = foldr Lam (compileExp body) args
This will change an expression like (λ (x y z) body)
to (λ (x) (λ (y) (λ (z) body)))
Function application is already curried by the parser, so there is nothing to fix up there.
A let
is changed into an immediately applied lambda.
(let ([x 5]) (+ x 3))
becomes((λ (x) (+ x 3)) 5)
(let ([x a] [y b]) body)
becomes((λ (x) ((λ (y) body) b)) a)
compileExp (Let [] body) = compileExp body
compileExp (Let ((n,v):rest) body) = Lam n inner `App` compileExp v
inner = compileExp (Let rest body)
To understand how the Y combinator allows recursion, it is sufficient to know that it is a function with the property (Y G) = (G (Y G))
I’ll run through a quick example of defining a function F
as some an arbitrary expression exp
that can call F
The only way to bring a variable into scope is using lambda, so we might as well start there.
(λ (F) exp)
We can then use Y
to get a definition for F
(Y (λ (F) exp))
expands to ((λ (F) exp) (Y (λ (F) exp)))
in the same way that (Y G)
expands to (G (Y G))
. We can then go ahead and evaluate exp
with F
bound to (Y (λ (F) exp))
. If ever F
is called inside exp
, the Y combinator will expand again to produce another definition of F
to call “recursively”.
The feeling I get about the Y combinator is this. Every time you try to evaluate (Y G)
it expands to (G (Y G))
, allowing you to continue a recursive computation in G
for as long as you wish. From the interpreter’s perspective its not really recursion, its just expanding a copy of the same function definition as many times as necessary.
In the terms of the (λ (F) exp)
example (letrec (F exp) body)
is equivalent to (let ([F (Y (λ (F) exp))]) body)
My first thought when I saw this was: Hang on! The F
bound in that let and the F
in the definition aren’t the same. That’s variable shadowing!
And this is true from the standpoint of the interpreter, but the property of the Y combinator means that the two definitions of F
are equivalent. Which is why it is a definition of recursion without recursion.
Here is the implementation in the compiler. The definition of the Y combinator still seems a bit like devil magic to me, but I thought this answer and Matt Might’s post made a lot of sense.
compileExp (Letrec name binding body) = compileExp recursiveLet
recursiveLet = Let [(name, y `Application` Lambda [name] binding)] body
-- (λy.λF.F (λx.y y F x))(λy.λF.F (λx.y y F x))
y :: Exp
y = term `Application` term
term = Lambda ["y", "F"] $ Var "F" `Application` Lambda ["x"] innerApp
innerApp = Var "y" `Application`
Var "y" `Application`
Var "F" `Application`
Var "x"
The task of the interpreter is to reduce a lambda term. But what does it mean to be reduced? Presumably we would like a result that can be easily interpreted by a human. The most important reduction we can do is a beta reduction, which is the same as a function call. (λx.body) arg
would reduce to body
with a new variable in scope x = arg
(with some caveats about what variables are in scope for arg
Beta-reduction is good enough for some programs. (= (+ (* 3 3) (* 4 4)) (* 5 5))
gives λt.λf.t
, which is the church encoding for true.
Boolean results are pretty easy to see, but numbers get out of hand really quickly. The simple program (+ 2 3)
results in (λb.(λa.λf.λx.a f (b f x)) (λf.λx.f (f x))) (λf.λx.f (f (f x)))
. The interpreter didn’t even do any work here. It has essentially told us that the answer is 2+3.
This is clearly not a solution. Instead, the interpreter should give an answer as a Haskell primitive. With the knowledge that (* 6 7)
should be a number we can un-church the result to get 42
Call by Need
I said earlier that the interpreter is lazy. The goal is to make programs like ((λ (_) 42) hang)
work. When a function call is evaluated the argument is stored in a thunk. If ever that argument is used, then its value is computed, and the thunk is replaced with the computed value.
This requires state.
Data stored in the environment is either a thunk, or a forced result.
data Box s = Forced (Result s) | Thunk Node (Env s)
I use ST
for mutation of the environment. All of those s
variables are references to the state thread used to make sure state does not escape the ST
monad. The environment is a map of variable names to a box.
type Env s = Map String (STRef s (Box s))
Why Use ST?
All of the other examples of interpreters I could find online used IORef
instead of STRef
for mutable boxes to store thunk results.
The reason they gave was that the interpreter was already dealing with IO
. That is totally reasonable and makes their code much more simple.
Unfortunately my interpreter is not coupled at all to IO
, so I had to use ST
. This led to some interesting issues with impredictive types, and I ended up needing the Rank2Types language extension. More on that later.
Result Type
The result of a program could be a number, boolean, closure, or a list of results. I also have a function result type to help un-churching numbers and lists.
data Result s = Clos String Node (Env s)
| RFun (Result s -> ExceptT String (ST s) (Result s))
| RNum Integer
| RBool Bool
| RPair (Result s) (Result s)
| REmpty
The RFun
type transforms a result, and can possibly fail. The increment operator needed to decode numbers is defined as an RFun
plus1 :: Result s -> ExceptT String (ST s) (Result s)
plus1 (RNum n) = return $ RNum (n+1)
plus1 _ = throwE "Cannot increment non-number type"
The type ExceptT String (ST s) (Result s)
is a bit long and I use it a lot, so I made an alias.
type EST s a = ExceptT String (ST s) a
Interpreting An expression
The meat of the interpreter is the function lazyInterp
lazyInterp :: Env s -> Node -> EST s (Result s)
lazyInterp env (Lam arg body) = return $ Clos arg body env
lazyInterp env (Ref x) = maybe (scopeExcept x) force (Map.lookup x env)
lazyInterp env (App f x) = lazyInterp env f >>= (`app` Thunk x env)
scopeExcept :: String -> EST s a
scopeExcept = ExceptT . return . scopeError
There are only three forms, so only three cases to handle.
- Lambdas immediately build a closure
- References force a box from the environment, possibly failing if there is no variable in scope
- Applications force the function, build a thunk for the argument, and then call out to an application function.
The scopeExcept
function just changes the type of scopeError
to EST s a
instead of Either String a
like is used the the rest of the pipeline.
To force a box, we check if its a thunk, if so, call lazyInterp
and write the result.
force :: STRef s (Box s) -> EST s (Result s)
force ref = lift (readSTRef ref) >>= handleBox
handleBox (Forced r) = return r
handleBox (Thunk node env) = do
result <- lazyInterp env node
lift $ writeSTRef ref (Forced result)
return result
The type of the app
function may seem a bit strange. I wanted to use it in the interpreter, and also to un-church results. Having it take a box lets me do this.
app :: Result s -> Box s -> EST s (Result s)
app (RFun f) (Forced x) = f x
app (RFun f) (Thunk node env) = lazyInterp env node >>= f
app (Clos arg body env) box = do
argRef <- lift $ newSTRef box
let extendedEnv = Map.insert arg argRef env
lazyInterp extendedEnv body
app _ _ = throwE "Cannot apply non-function type"
Unlike closures, applying an RFun
is strict in its argument. Fortunately RFun
always needs its argument so this behavior is fine.
Extracting a Result
Once an expression has been interpreted, it is a closure. I then use an extraction function to end up with a Haskell literal.
The type of all the extractors is Result s -> EST s a
, where a is the type of the literal. There are extractors for integers, booleans, and lists.
Integers can be extracted by applying the increment function and zero to the church encoded number.
(n inc 0)
Operations in our interpreter can fail, so each application needs to use bind. Once we have the final result we can unwrap it from the Result
data type.
intExtractor :: Result s -> EST s Integer
intExtractor res = res `app` Forced (RFun plus1)
>>= (`app` Forced (RNum 0))
>>= getNum
plus1 (RNum n) = return $ RNum (n+1)
plus1 _ = throwE "Cannot increment non-number type"
getNum (RNum n) = return n
getNum _ = throwE "Non-number result"
Booleans have a similar story, but here we apply the values True then False (b True False)
boolExtractor :: Result s -> EST s Bool
boolExtractor res = res `app` Forced (RBool True)
>>= (`app` Forced (RBool False))
>>= getBool
getBool (RBool b) = return b
getBool _ = throwE "Non-boolean result"
Lists are more complicated. The list extractor first needs an extractor for the elements in the list. This ensures you can extract arbitrarily nested lists.
Lists are encoded as a function that takes something to do with a head and a tail and a result if the list is empty. To extract a literal list from this structure we apply an onCons
function and the REmpty
is a function that takes two results and yields an RPair
. It looks a little funny because it has to be curried to fit into the application model of the interpreter.
To extract a list from a pair we run the extractor on the first of the pair to get a literal, and run the list extractor on the tail.
listExtractor :: (Result s -> EST s a) -> Result s -> EST s [a]
listExtractor ex res = res `app` Forced (RFun onCons)
>>= (`app` Forced REmpty)
>>= pairToList
onCons hd = return . RFun $ return . RPair hd
pairToList REmpty = return []
pairToList (RPair hd tl) = do
x <- ex hd
xs <- listExtractor ex tl
return (x:xs)
pairToList _ = throwE "Non-list result"
I lied a little bit. There is one more extractor.
My unit tests for early versions of the interpreter expected the output to be a Node
, not the Result
type I ended up with. Instead of rewriting all of the tests to expect a closure, I extract a Node
from a closure.
The only variables that need to be bound from the closure’s environment are the ones that are free in the body. Dropping the environment from the closure, and instead binding those variables with immediately applied lambdas gets the job done.
unwrap :: Result s -> EST s Node
unwrap (Clos arg body env) = bindAll toBind $ Lam arg body
toBind = Set.toList $ arg `Set.delete` freeVars body
bindAll [] expr = return expr
bindAll (x:xs) expr = do
binding <- maybe (scopeExcept x) force $ Map.lookup x env
rawBinding <- unwrap binding
bindAll xs $ Lam x expr `App` rawBinding
unwrap _ = throwE "Cannot unwrap non-closure type"
These three extractors result in EST s lit
, not Either String lit
like the rest of the pipeline. The last step is to run the stateful computation using runST
Running a Stateful Computation
The only drawback to ST
is the type of runST
runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
Functions in Haskell normally only have type variables on the outside of a type.
func :: forall a b. a -> b
They type of runST
ensures that the resulting type cannot have any reference to the state thread, s
The type forall s a. ST s a -> a
could unify to ST s (Result s) -> Result s
. This would be bad because a reference to the state thread would escape the stateful computation. This could cause side effects, and if you want that then Haskell is not the right language for you.
The type forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
cannot unify to ST s (Result s) -> Result s
because the type variable s
is not in scope on the right side of the function. This ensures that no references to the state thread escape.
Types of this form are beyond Haskell’s type inference engine. There is a special type rule for $
that allows code like runST $ do {...}
. Unfortunately, the function for extracting lists requires s
in its type signature, and the additional powers of the $
operator are not enough to make the type checker succeed.
To make this code work, I enabled the {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
extension. This allows all the extraction functions to have types that match the rest of the pipeline.
extract :: (forall s. Result s -> EST s a) -> Node -> Either String a
extract ex input = runST $ runExceptT (lazyInterp Map.empty input >>= ex)
extractInt :: Node -> Either String Integer
extractInt = extract intExtractor
extractBool :: Node -> Either String Bool
extractBool = extract boolExtractor
extractList :: (forall s. Result s -> EST s a) -> Node -> Either String [a]
extractList ex = extract $ listExtractor ex
interp :: Node -> Either String Node
interp = extract unwrap
To interpret and extract an int from a compiled program you could now call extractInt prog
and get either an int or an error message.
Tying it all Together
Each piece of the pipeline transforms the program until it is a Haskell literal. The following example shows how each piece fits together by following a simple program through each stage.
The Pieces
Start with the input program (cons #t empty)
Parse the program to get:
Program [] (Application (Application (Var "cons") (Var "#t")) (Var "empty"))
The internal data structures aren’t very easy to read, so the rest of this is in nicer notation.
Desugar the program form to a single expression.
(let ([#t (λ (t f) t)])
(let ([cons (λ (h t)
(λ (f _)
((f h) t)))])
(let ([empty (λ (_ e) e)])
(cons #t empty))))
Compile the program to the lambda calculus.
(λ#t.(λcons.(λempty.cons #t empty)
(λh.λt.λf.λ_.f h t))
Interpret the program to get a closure.
{λf.λ_.f h t, [t={λ_.λe.e,[]}, h={λt.λf.t,[]}]}
Extract a pair from the closure.
< {λt.λf.t,[]} x {λ_.λe.e,[]} >
Finally, extract a list from the pair.
The Interface
I wanted to run programs from strings, and from files in the repl. I also wanted to interpret a program and pretty print the resulting lambda. runProgram
, runFile
and prettyProgram
are the functions that do these things. runDisplayProgram
contains all the common code between them.
type Interp a = Node -> Either String a
runDisplayProgram :: (a -> IO ()) -> String -> String -> Interp a -> IO ()
runDisplayProgram display filename input extractor = do
base <- readBase
either putStrLn display $ do
defs <- base
prog <- parseProgram filename input
compiled <- compile defs prog
extractor compiled
prettyProgram :: String -> IO ()
prettyProgram prog = runDisplayProgram (putStrLn . pretty) "input" prog interp
runProgram :: Show a => String -> Interp a -> IO ()
runProgram = runDisplayProgram print "input"
runFile :: Show a => String -> Interp a -> IO ()
runFile filename extractor = do
input <- readFile filename
runDisplayProgram print filename input extractor
The outer do
in runDisplayProgram
is for the IO
monad. The inner one is for Either
. To run the whole pipeline, first grab the base definitions while in IO
, then drop into Either
. Grab the base definitions, then parse the input, then compile the base definitions and the program together, and finally run the interpreter.
My original goal when writing this was to run the collatz sequence.
(define (step n)
(if (even? n)
(/ n 2)
(+ (* n 3) 1)))
(define (collatz n)
(if (<= n 1)
(+ 1 (collatz (step n)))))
(map collatz (range 1 15))
Save that to resources/, then run with
λ> runFile "resources/" (extractList intExtractor)
Tada! Those are the stopping times for the numbers 1 to 15.