This is a categorized list of much of the software I have worked on. Some things are listed twice if I wasn’t sure what category to put them in. Source code for a lot of these projects can also be found on my github profile.
- Functional Programming
- Hardware
- Graphics
- Data Engineering
- Robotics
- Machine Learning and AI
- Simulation
- Complex Networks
Functional Programming
- A compiler for a simple language with lambdas and a garbage collector using LLVM [ source ]
- A compiler from scheme to the λ-calculus [ source ]
- Most of a Python compiler. This project was for a compilers class, and we implemented a lexer, parser, desugarer, and normalizer.
- A Dominion AI [ source ]
- An interesting sudoku solver in Haskell [ source ]
- An implementation of Java style interfaces in an interpreted lisp-like language
- A regex matcher using derivatives in JavaScript
- A static RAM cell demo board [ source ]
- An LED matrix prototyping panel for [ source ]
- A dance detector [ source ]
- A touch sensative necklace pendant [ source ]
- A half adder using resistor-transistor logic [ source ]
- A sunrise alarm clock [ source ]
- A 3D engine with a nonlinear projection, written in Rust and OpenGL [ source ]
- A prototype version of the 3D engine written in pure scala with a demo game on top [ source ]
- An ASCII art generator [ source ]
Data Engineering
- A data ETL pipeline for 3M HIS’s data science lab
- Deployment of ML models on AWS Lambda for 3M HIS’s data science lab
- A control systems simulator. Includes a simple PID controlled space ship and a more complex space ship controlled by two nested PIDs [ source ]
Machine Learning and AI
- A question answering system based heavily on quarc
- A Boggle solver [ source ]
- A Dominion AI [ source ]
- A low performance character recognition algorithm for sheet music
- Neural nets with backprop training
- ID3 decision trees
- SVM with various loss functions and SGD training
- A lame sudoku solver [ source ]
I did my undergrad thesis in natural language parsing with Dr. Vivek Srikumar at the University of Utah.
- Memoized Parsing with Derivatives: Tobin Yehle (2016) [ pdf ]
Complex Networks
- Clustering analysis of suicide cases based on medical diagnostic codes for the University of Utah departement of Psychiatry
I worked on complex networks with Dr. Ronaldo Menezes at Florida Institue of Technology.
From Criminal Spheres of Familiarity to Crime Networks: Marcos A. C. Oliveira, Hugo Serrano Barbosa Filho, Tobin Yehle, Sarah White, Ronaldo Menezes (2015) doi
The Spatial Structure of Crime in Urban Environments: Sarah White, Tobin Yehle, Hugo Serrano Barbosa Filho, Marcos A. C. Oliveira, Ronaldo Menezes (2014) doi